Mark Tate Will Run For 27th District Senate Seat in 2007
It's official.
Mark Tate will again seek the Republican nomination for the 27th District Senate Seat. Click here to read more from the Winchester Star.
Tate will face at least one challenger for the seat. Jill Holtzman Vogel announced waaaay back that she will also seek the nomination. Holtzman hopes to have a war chest of $320,000 by July 17th.
In the Winchester Star article Tate said that he wants to raise $350,000 to $400,000.
This is shaping up to be a fun race to watch for several reasons.
First, the incumbent, Sen. Russ Potts has not made up his mind if he's going to run again. In the article, Potts said, “I am going to make up my mind on my timetable.......There is no sense of urgency on my part to do that.”
Second, no Democrat has announced. I fully expect a Democrat from the eastern part of the district to be on the ballot.
IMHO, Potts will not seek the Republican nomination. He's much more likely to run as an Independent or switch parties and run as a Democrat. Or, he could simply retire (yeah, right).
Holtzman-Vogel clearly has a monetary advantage over Tate. If Tate can’t raise some dough he’s doomed.
Taking all that into account, my prediction is a 3-way race with Potts being on the ballot as an Independent.
If Pott's decided to run again, Tate is right. He will need 350-400k to run a competitive race. If Potts chooses not to run about half of this or less will be needed. Why? Because it will be a two or three person race between Jill, Phil, and Mark. In my opinion Mark has the name recognition from last time and Jill has the ulimited personal resources financially. In a convention or a firehouse primary Mark would probably win rather easily due to his top grassroots support carrying over from 2003. In a straight primary Jill may have a slight advantage because of her wealth and the fact she may pick up some Pott's supporters or even dems because she is generally considered far less conservative than either Phil or Mark. Yes 2007 is shaping up to be an interesting year and much will depend on what Russ does and the eventual format of the nominating process.
I agree, the nominating process is a big deal in this race.
Others have told me they think Mark would win a firehouse primary. Personally, I am not so sure.
Potts won the last primary by 106 votes and I don't think he wants to go down that road again...too risky, too expensive.
Tate is gay -
Speaker from a Winchester perspective (maybe they view the world differently in Loudon), we dont need a gay republican representing this district. Potts is a fake R, a gay R isnt really an improvement!
keep on posting that garbage without putting a name to it for credibility. Way to go there big guy.
Are you Eugene Delguadio in disguise? I mean everybody knows Eugene is terrified of the gays.
Mark Tate has never thrown his sex life around and ask me to accept it. He has never actively pursued an "outing" that we must all acknowledge. Have you been stalking him in an effort to identify him as "gay".
He's never let on so much as a hint in public, so how else would you know?
Do have the courage to post your name with such an allegation...or just shut up and remain a coward.
The choice is yours, but I think I know where the shot and the agenda came from, anyway.
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