Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I came across this handy-dandy website which I would like to share with fellow bloggers.

Here it is. I especially like the graph because it puts things in perspective.

As of this posting our national debt is currently $8,205,376,724,587.34. Or, $8.2 trillion.

This is the government's official tally. If you want to see how much interest we paid back to the Chinese, Japanese, OPEC Countries, etc., click here.



At 6:18 PM, Blogger Will Vaught said...

good site, wow, scary..

At 11:01 AM, Blogger Hydra said...

I like the form that shows how the money is spent.

We should put something similar on the back of the tax form where each individual coul allocate how they think their money on the front of the form should be spent.

Add up all the forms and impose a 15% maximum variance. That becomes the base budget which goes to the legislature. They can alter the budget only so long as they can do it without exceeding the 15% variance.

Some people would put all their money in schools, some in public safety, some in environment, some would allocate reasonably. Averaged over a few million people it would probably come out to near what the budget is now.

If it didn't at least we would know what the people think instead of what the candidates and media want us to hear.


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