Thursday, July 20, 2006

Mark Tate: Better Late Than Never

Republican candidate Mark Tate, who is running for the State Senate from the 27th District, hasn’t filed a campaign report in (gulp) THREE YEARS! The seat is currently held by Sen. Russ Potts.

So what? Who cares? What’s the big deal?

Well, according to Chris Piper of the Virginia State Board of Elections, “State law will prohibit him from gaining access to the ballot until such time that these reports are filed.”

Tate has not filed a campaign finance report since July 2003. Because he has not filed the SBE has fined him $500.

For more info. check out this article from The Winchester Star. It has a good analysis of the fundraising activity from the other candidates in the race, Jill Holtzman Vogel and Sen. Russ Potts.

Holtzman reported a balance of $200,711.19 in her June 30th report while Potts’s reported ending balance is $42,927.44. Tate says his ending balance was $190,566.14.

Most observers expect another brutal primary battle between Holtzman and Tate (Potts has not decided if he’s going to run again).

If Tate can keep up with Holtzman in fundraising this could turn out to be an interesting race to watch (If he can file his reports on time).


At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes the fundraising side of this campaign is very fascinating. Right now Jill has spent much more money probably to increase name recognition. I wonder if this has worked especially since Mark has recieved so much free adversing lately with his announcements being in all the papers and the fact he came within 100 votes being the major underdog last time.

Jill definitely has the elected officials and money men (developers and construction industry as well as her lobbying friends from her RNC days and her husbands business)on her side in the area but these guys never do much of anything except donate to campaigns and lend namerecognition. According to the fundraising numbers Jill might also be getting people who supported Potts run for governor to back her. This is interesting because she appears she might be moderating her views to get more former Potts people to back her. She might be moving to what people call the "sensible center"

Mark has the religious crowd who are pro-life and anti-gay marriage people on his side as well as an endrosement at least financially from Sen Warner. The religous crowd I assume wants to finish the job this time so this might be an advantage in a primary as well.

Both candidates have their advantages so only time will tell I guess.

At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey...with these two in the primary, maybe Potts can have a go!

Git 'em Pottsy!

At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can Tate have the anti-gay marriage folks with him - everyone here in Loudon is saying he's gay -- long time rumor that his "partner" was unhappy with his politicing.

At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You spelled LOUDOUN WRONG! But yes, everyone here is talking about him being gay.


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